Bad Influence Boating With TR! TR's Boat
Monday, October 28, 2024 


December 20, 2004

This past Saturday was the final BoMM run of 2004. This officially meant that we boated every single month of 2004! Along for the ride were myself, Cheri, Eric, Mike, Sean, Julie, Blair, Andrea, and Mariah. We went from Harbour North to the Chesapeake Inn and back. The weather was actually really nice and we were all warm! When we got back, I pulled Bad Influence out of the water and winterized it. Sniff. While we're all waiting for the weather to get warm enough to put the boats back in the water, check out the pictures from the December BoMM run.

December 13, 2004

I've got some great news! I've added a total of 5 new pages of pictures! You can check them out here or from the Photos menu up top. Also, my 2005 Sunset Calendars should be arriving any day now, so head on over to the calendar page and order yours before I run out! They're ten bucks cheaper than they were last year, so there's no excuse not to buy one. You won't be disappointed!

December 1, 2004

My deepest apologies to all of my loyal viewers! I have neglected this site for way too long. Once July was half gone, the months just flew by, with some great boating adventures! Time to catch up. First of all, here's a rundown of the BoMM runs since my last posting:

August: This BoMM run was again on Eric's boat, however it was the farthest from home BoMM run ever, in St. Michael's. The crew was myself, Eric, Cheri, Tim, and Rick Maas. Here are a few pictures.
September: This BoMM run was the fastest run ever, aboard Sean's boat. The crew was myself, Sean, Eric, Rich, and Ross.
October: This was a bit of an emergency BoMM run, since October was an extremely busy month. At the last minute, just me, Cheri, and Eric did a run on Eric's boat.
November: On the last Saturday of the month, we used Cheri's boat for the BoMM run. It was a bit chilly, but we had the canvas up. The crew was myself, Cheri, Eric, Mike, and a few first-time BoMM guests, Ted, Karen, and Shilo.

December is upon us, so the next BoMM run will happen shortly. It got real chilly real fast out there, so I'm hoping for a last burst of warm weather before we get into the real tough months.

October was very busy, with a trip to Baltimore for the Fell's Point Festival, a trip to Annapolis for the Powerboat Show, and the Halloween Party at the Chesapeake Inn. I've been going through my pictures, and I'll be posting some shortly!

I'm also working on the 2005 calendar, trying to get a nicer and cheaper one than last year. I know I'm running short on time for people that want to buy before Christmas, but I'll post something here when I get some new information.

July 12, 2004

This past Saturday, the 10th, we did the official July BoMM run. This month Eric Miller hosted the run aboard the Acadia. Onboard were myself, Eric, Cheri, Blair, Andrea, and Mike. We got under sail, drank Acadias, and made our lame destination, which actually was a specific latitude and longitude near Veasey Cove. In the past we've said that the requirement was to "drink beer" while on plane or under sail, but we agreed that any form of alcoholic beverage is good enough, and Acadias are even better.

June 27, 2004

Happy Canal Day! I posted my pictures from my four-day Canal Day adventure. You can find them here or from the menu up top.

June 19, 2004

Today was the official June BoMM run. Another month where we almost weren't able to pull it together! These summer months are actually tougher than we thought to do the "official" run, which of course involves videotaping. We had to adjust the rule again, now allowing three times for one boat. I think we'll adjust this rule back to the one-run-per-boat stance next year. the crew for the June run was myself, Cheri, Eric, Mike, Eric's brother-in-law Tim, and long-time friend Ken Gobble and his two boys, Nick and Jonathan. We cruised from Long Point marina to Veasey Cove, the lame destination, and hung out for a while before heading back to Long Point.

Next weekend is Canal Day! I have a feeling this is going to be the biggest one yet. I'll try to get some good pictures. I'll be heading down on Thursday and staying until Sunday. I'll report back after then!

June 1, 2004

I finally posted my tugboat page! You can find it in the menu up top, or click here.

We finally got the BoMM run in on the last day of May, in the rain. Eric videotaped as usual. We made a slight adjustment to one of the rules, which is that you can use the same boat twice in a given year, instead of just once. The crew consisted of myself, Cheri, Eric, Mike, and Sean. Even though all first and second place qualifiers  held their position, we needed to make the official BoMM run for the month.

Canal Day is just a few weeks away!

May 15, 2004

Wow this month is going fast! I got home safely from my tugboat adventure, and the tug is now nestled in its new home at Harbour North. I have all my pictures together, I'll get them posted ASAP.

We spent this weekend in Annapolis and had a great time. We took 2 boats, Cheri's boat and the Kolbes' boat. The four of us went down together on Friday, and Sean, Gary, and Nancy drove down by car and met us. I didn't take any pictures since I have so many I still haven't had time to post, but rest assured we hit many great bars and restaurants and shops in that great town!

I still have to put together the May BoMM run. Everyone who is already in first and second place has made a qualifying run for the month, so it will just be a formality at this point. Looks like it will have to be during Memorial Day weekend, which is going to be tricky. We'll see what we can pull together...

May 1, 2004

I'm writing this in South Carolina while riding aboard the John Arthur. John Arthur is George's tug boat, and he's bringing it from Louisiana to Chesapeake City. I'm fortunate enough to be able to tag along for a week or so. My journey started in Jacksonville, Florida, and will end in Norfolk, Virginia. I've already got some good pictures, so I'll post a page with the details of my trip as well as the pictures. You can visit George's site for the details of his entire trip!

April 26, 2004

The April BoMM run happened this past Saturday, the 24th. We had a great turnout! We used Rich's boat, and had 10 people for the run. The crew was myself, Cheri, Rich, Karin, Eric, Blair, Andrea, Mike, John Wilson, and Dave Monzo. John has volunteered his boat for the May run. The actual run was fairly short, but several of us stayed on board and boated all day. The first and second place rankings stay the same as last month.

April really turned out to be a great boating month. We had several days in the 80s, and one or two in the 90s. I managed to keep my tan from Antigua going quite nicely. I have some April pictures, so I'll sort through them soon and get them online. Stay tuned for details on the May BoMM run...

April 15, 2004

Antigua was awesome! I highly recommend a trip there to anyone wanting to visit the West Indies. Our trip included myself, Cheri, Denise, Julie, Blair, and Andrea. Together we took 1570 pictures! As soon as I get time to sift through them all, I'll post the good ones. We did a lot of boating down there too, which was great and really got us itching for summer. Oh yeah, and we all got some good tans going too!

April 1, 2004

Well March turned out to be a pretty nice boating month after all. We got in several good days, and the BoMM run was a cinch. The April run is scheduled for Saturday the 24th, and we'll be taking Rich's Maxum.

I expect April to be at least as good as March as far as boating goes. And 6 of us are taking a trip to Antigua for a week, so our tans should be well underway for the April BoMM run! I'm sure we'll take plenty of pictures on our trip, so I'll post the good ones when we get back. I'm also planning a trip down south to hitch a ride on George's tugboat toward the end of the month. You can read about this adventure on I'm sure I'll get some picture from that adventure too. It's going to be an interesting month!

March 27, 2004

I'm actually writing this on April 23rd, but the official BoMM run did indeed happen on March 27th. It was our longest BoMM run yet! We left Harbour North, headed to Bo Bay to fuel the boat, then headed to Casey's to fuel our stomachs.

During this outing we came up with one additional rule to add to the official rule list. This rule is that we must use a different boat for each month of the year. This helps make things more interesting in the "easy" summer months! So here's the run-down of the boats we used this year:

January: TRs Chris Craft
February: TRs Sea Ray
March: Cheri's Sea Ray

Our March crew consisted of myself, Cheri, Rich, Karin (she's back!), Blair, Andrea, Mike, Eric, and his friend Elliot.

We boated several other times in March, and Sean joined us on several of those, so he maintains his second place position. Jim Burnett also maintains his position. Here's the list of qualifiers:

1st Place: Cheri, Eric, Rich, Mike
2nd Place: Blair, Andrea, Sean, Jim

March 17, 2004

With the Ides of March behind us, it's time to get serious about the March outing for the BoMM. So far this month has had varying weather, with snow yesterday even though I was boating in 60 degree weather the day before. This weekend doesn't look too promising, but the following weekend sure does. So the 27th and 28th are when the March run is planned.

I want to officially list the 1st and 2nd place qualifiers since I kind of screwed it up below, so here it is:

1st Place: Cheri, Eric, Rich, Mike
2nd Place: Blair, Andrea, Sean, Ross, George, Mark, Jim, Brian, Kelly

Hopefully I'll have some more pictures from the March run, I'll keep everyone posted!

March 8, 2004

I put up a new page of pictures, which can be found here, or from the menu at the top.

I also made a few corrections to previous postings below. I unintentionally left out Andrea when I listed the people who participated in Leap Day boating. Sorry Andee!! Also, I left out Jim from the list of people in second place for the BoMM. I forgot that we picked him up and took him for a ride, at which time he drank the required beer, so therefore he's qualified.

February was a great boating month, and so far March has been great too. The season is getting off to a great start!

March 1, 2004

Well, re-winterizing the boat didn't last long. It sat quietly for 5 days, and then on Saturday I removed the shrink wrap again and dropped the boat in the water. This time I disposed of the shrink wrap, so I think that officially marks the beginning of the earliest boating season of my life.

Another first was Leap Day Boating. Never before have I boated on February 29th, and I won't get another chance for 4 years. Special recognition to fellow Leap Day boaters: Cheri, Sean, Andrea, Brian, Kelly, Mike, and the other Mike.

Speaking of Mike, I'm officially adding Mike Mangini to the list of 1st Place qualifiers in the BoMM. I forgot that he boated in January, and I've seen him on the water three of the four days in February that we were out. Never have I boated so many times in February. I have some pictures I'll be sorting through soon and helpfully get them posted ASAP!

February 23, 2004

This weekend officially marked the February run for the Boating Madness Marathon. There was an excellent turnout of people, forcing me to go out both Saturday and Sunday to make sure there was enough room for everyone. On Saturday the crew consisted of myself, Cheri, Blair, Andrea, George, and Mark. On Sunday, it was myself, Cheri, Ross, Eric, Rich, and Sean. Both days were pretty windy, but we stayed in the Canal, and the temperature wasn't too bad.

I have yet to decide on what prizes will be rewarded for people completing the 2004 BoMM. I do know that there are two levels: 1st place, for anyone who boats all 12 months in 2004; and 2nd place, for anyone who boats 11 months in 2004. In 2005, there will only be 1st place; no slack next year! Here are the current qualifiers for this year:

1st Place: Cheri, Eric, Rich
2nd Place: Blair, Andrea, Sean, Ross, George, Mark, Jim

Now I've got to go re-winterize the boat and try to get the shrink wrap back on!

February 17, 2004

Well, February’s half over, and there still hasn’t been a decent boating weekend. However, I’m looking at the weather for the weekend, and I see 51 on Saturday, and 48 on Sunday. Since that puts us only a week away from March, I’m thinking this might be the opportunity for the February BoMM run. The ice at the marina is thawing nicely, I think I’ll head down there tomorrow and take a closer look. Anybody who’s interested in making a run this weekend, let me know, and let me know your thoughts on which day would be better.

I’m prepared to remove the shrink wrap from my Sea Ray, but if anyone has any other ideas for a boat we can use, let me know.

The Kolbe’s are exempt from the February run, since they’ll be boating in Marco Island, Florida. Therefore they automatically qualify for February. I’m not sure when they’re leaving to head south, but if they’re still around this weekend they’re certainly welcome to come!

Drop me an email if you’re interested…

February 1, 2004

Happy Birthday to me! Today I turn the big three-oh. If you can't email my present to me, just drop it off at the Chesapeake Inn and I'll pick it up in the spring.

Speaking of spring, it's definitely not spring out there. In fact, as I type this, it's 15° Fahrenheit outside. But not to be deterred, I have posted some new pictures on the site. You can find them in the 2004 section of the Photos menu up top, or you can click here. I've decided that anytime I post new pictures, I'll mention it here in this "What's New" section, so that visitors can tell at a glance if there's new material.

In other news: Now that February is upon us, there's only 4 weeks left for the February outing of the Boating Madness Marathon, known now as simply the BoMM. (Thanks Eric.) Right now there's this little issue of the foot thick ice at the marina, so dropping my boat in the water tomorrow isn't an option. But I'll come up with something, and when I do, you'll be able to read about it here.

The Atlantic City Boat Show is coming up, the 4th through the 8th. I'm planning on heading up there. By car. I'm not sure if there will be any good photo opportunities, but if there are, you'll see the results here. Drop me an email if you're thinking of heading up there.

January 3, 2004

Well today was the official first outing of the Boating Madness Marathon. I de-winterized the Chris Craft, and after some minor mechanical difficulties, we were on our way! Myself, Eric, and Cheri cruised over to Port Herman to pick up Rich, and then we took a ride to the Chesapeake Inn and back. I don't have any exciting pictures to post, but the point is that we boated in January! We also came up with some rules for the Marathon, as follows:

I'll have more updates on the Marathon as the year progresses. Anyone who wants to join, either as a crewmember of mine, or with their own boat, just let me know...

January 1, 2004

Happy New Year!!

I have a few announcements to make. Most noticeably, has a new layout! I'm hoping this helps with navigation around the site, and also just makes it more pleasant to look at. Take a look around and let me know what you think. Please send any comments or suggests to me, I'm anxious to hear some feedback.

The second announcement is that we have a new regular visitor to the site, and this one is a true celebrity. I went to visit him to answer some questions about the site. Below is a photo of the two of us together:

TR and Conan

Finally, I want to let everyone know that the Boating Madness Marathon 2004 is on! After two months of training, the real deal is about to begin. Basically, I intend to get in at least one day of boating every single month in 2004. This includes January and February! So I'll be looking for volunteers to brave the elements with me on some of the more challenging days. If the weather forecast predicts a day where temperatures are above 50°, I'm going to de-winterize the boat and take a cruise. I'll try to post the date here as early as possible so anyone who wants to join me can be prepared. There will hopefully be a lot more details about this whole thing soon.

I think that's about it for now. I'm looking forward to a great 2004 boating season!!

All content on this page Copyright © TR Colasanto 2001-2011
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This page was last modified on 3/5/2009 7:25:11 PM.