Bad Influence Boating With TR! TR's Boat
Wednesday, March 12, 2025 

February Boating

2004 has been an unprecedented year for February boating! We went out an astounding 4 times, and had a boatload of people each time. Here are some pictures from our outings on the 21st, 22nd, 28th, and Leap Day, the 29th.

This first batch of pictures is from our first boating day in February, the 21st. Here's Blair and Andrea staying warm!
Cheers to February boating!
Andy officially declared that we were the first boat of the 2004 season!
Andrea is deep in thought about the importance of boating in February.
George is enjoying early-season beer and boating.
I've never had a snowball fight on the boat before!
The 22nd was the "official" February run for the BoMM. Here you can see Eric doing part of the official documenting.
We managed to pick up Jim that day, cleverly disguised as the Pope.
On Saturday the 28th, we saw this 2800 horsepower boat from Integrated Turbine. I'm very sad to report that these two guys had an accident the next day, and neither survived.
As you can see, this weekend was much warmer than the previous one.
Here's Brian, Kelly, and Andrea braving the windy back seat.
We went to Casey's River House in an attempt to find food, but instead we found this great cooler that's also a chair!
At first we thought this was snow on the ground, but it was really sand.
This was the first place we docked at in our attempt to eat at Casey's, but as you can see, the dock had no boards on it! We had to find another place to tie up.
For our Leap Day boating adventure, we ended up at Schaefer's for some lunch. And party hats.
What a tiring boating month February was!

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This page was last modified on 12/7/2004 1:18:38 PM.