Bad Influence Boating With TR! TR's Boat
Wednesday, March 12, 2025 

bōt·ĭng wĭth tē·ăr dŏt kŏm: (noun) A web site maintained by some dude in Chesapeake City, Maryland, featuring entertaining and informative pictures and stories relating to boating on the Upper Chesapeake Bay.

Welcome to! This web site features pictures and stories about the adventures my friends and I have on the Elk River and the Chesapeake Bay. This generally involves a lot of boating, which in turn involves a lot of beer. Use the menu at the top to view pictures and read stories that occurred during a particular boating season. Or check out some of my favorite links, buy some of my stuff, or become a member. I try to update the site as often as possible, but it gets difficult during the heart of the boating season. But check back often, I'll do the best I can!

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Last day of boating so far in 2005: December 31st


December 17th, 2005

Today was a great boating day. Myself, Mariah, and Jenn met Andy at the Chesapeake Inn to take his boat over to Hack's Point Marina. While the temperature was in the low 40's, it really was quite a comfortable ride. When we got near the top of the Bohemia River, there was actually ice on the water, and it was really cool to see and hear as we idled through it. The only other time I've been on a boat going through ice was on the January BoMM run last year on the tug boat. It's a good thing we were staying warm too, since Andy ran out of gas about 100 yards from the marina! Fortunately, my Dad and Shane still had a boat in the water right in the area, so they came to rescue us. Sadly, I didn't bring my camera for any of this, but I did snap a couple of shots with my phone:

In both cases you can see us being towed. Good times! In any event, now I'm done embarrassing Andy for 2005. I'll try to pick on someone else next year.

December 11th, 2005

Hi everyone, remember me? Yeah, I'm the guy who used to update this website on a regular basis. Funny thing is, if you look at the What's New page from 2004 (link at the bottom of the page), I stopped writing in July and reappeared in December! Strange coincidence. Anyway, I'm back with some news, and hopefully soon I'll throw some new pictures up. First, let me give the BoMM run updates. We've still been doing them each month, and the last one of 2005 is coming up on Saturday the 10th. But here's what we've been doing since April, the last time I mentioned it:

May: (5/22/05) Aboard Dingus: Departed from D dock and made A dock the lame destination. Me, Cheri, Eric, Josh, Denise, Mariah, Jenn, Mike, Shilo, Sean, Liberty, Julie, and Andy.

June: (6/11/05) The first ever Social BoMM Run: The raft-up on the Bohemia river was the lame destination. Me, Cheri, Eric, Deb, Josh, Denise, Mariah, Jenn, Sean, Liberty, Julie, Blair, Andrea, Kim Swyka, John, Lorraine, Paul Brew, Rich, Karin, and Marty.

July: Two Official BoMM runs:
    (7/3/05) Social 4th of July raft-up: Departed from various places, made the raft-up in the Northeast River the lame destination. I need to review the list of participants, there were a ton of us there.
    (7/30/05) Aboard the USS Girth: Departed from Bohemia River, made Marty & Kristen’s party the lame destination. Me, Cheri, Mike, and Mariah.

August: (8/21/05) Aboard the Just a Girl: Departed from the Bohemia River, made Veasey’s Cove the lame destination. Me, Cheri, Eric, Jenn, and Sean.

September: (9/3-4-5/05  ?) Aboard the Acadia: Departed from the Bohemia River, not sure what the lame destination was. Probably drunkenness. Me, Cheri, Eric, Mariah, Jenn, Josh, Denise, Nick, Alicia, Shaun, Regina, and Marty.

October: (10/29/05) Aboard the Shannon B: Departed from Long Point and made Schaefer’s Canal House the lame destination. Me, Cheri, Eric, Shaun, Mariah, Jenn, Mike, Shilo, Josh, Denise, Blair, and Andrea.

November: (11/19/05) Aboard the Floaty Thing: Departed from Chesapeake Inn and made Captain’s Cove the lame destination. Me, Cheri, Mariah, Jenn, Mike, Blair, Andrea, and Andy.

There is one set of pictures that I put up that I haven't mentioned here on the home page yet, and that's Andy's New Boat. If you haven't seen them yet, check them out!

And finally, the 2006 Boating With TR Sunset Calendars are on their way! I expect them in my hands within a week. I have a limited supply, so order soon if you want one!

July 18th, 2005

Well, I didn't get to it last week, but I did finally get the pictures from Canal Day posted! Check them out here or from the menu up top.

July 7th, 2005

I know everyone's been waiting for me to post some Canal Days pictures. I haven't had much time, but I did manage to put together a page of pictures from Thursday and Friday. I'll get on the Saturday ones this week I promise! You can check out Thursday and Friday here in the meantime.

June 24th, 2005

The Canal Day party has begun! I arrived on Wednesday for the long haul. The evening was nothing out of the ordinary. But on Thursday, around noon, the boats started streaming in. We counted over 60 boats by dinner time. I suspect there were 100 by nightfall. The Thursday night party was a great time, and an indication of what's to come for the rest of the weekend. I'm typing this at around 3 PM on Friday, right from the scene. When I woke up this morning, another 100 or so boats have arrived. As of right now, there are probably 250+ boats out there. I have some great pictures, and as soon as I get back to a high-speed connection, I'll post them!

May 4, 2005

PARTY! Since HOWSMYHAT was cool enough to put a link to my site on their schedule, I thought I'd better put a blurb on here about the party I'm having at my house on Saturday, May 7th, from 5 pm on. Howsmyhat will be playing from 7 to 11. It should be a blast! If you know where I live, stop on by, otherwise give me a call or drop me an email and I'll give you directions.

I apologize for not having any new pictures to post. There hasn't been a whole lot of boating going on, due to the weather. But that should change soon. In the meantime, I have a page of pictures that are unrelated to boating, except for the fact that the pictures were taken at a marina. Check these out if you've ever wanted to blow up a computer.

April 4, 2005

March is over, and daylight savings time has kicked in, meaning the sun is out longer for some great evening boating and sunsets. The weather is finally starting to break, which definitely puts a smile on my face. March was much colder and wetter than I would have liked, but fortunately the last week was pretty pleasant, and I was able to fix up some mechanic issues with Bad Influence and drop it back in the water. And that means that boating season has officially begun, although the BoMM runs virtually ensure that it never ends!

Speaking of BoMM runs, we had a great March run on Good Friday (the 25th) aboard Mariah's boat. There were 15 of us. We all met at the Wellwood, and took two trips on the boat from Charlestown Marina over to the Nauti  Goose. Lots of rain was predicted for that day, but we managed to avoid it, and even stay pretty warm. Here's the run-down of who made the trip:

Mariah (Captain)Eric

Just over a week later, on Sunday, the 3rd of April, we did the April BoMM run. This time 16 of us piled on Cheri's Jubilee at the Chesapeake Inn and cruised over to Walsh's for lunch. This was the last hurrah for Cheri's Jubilee, since Cheri will be trading that boat in on a new one this week. So we wanted to use the Jubilee one last time before we never saw it again. And of course that helped with the rule that we must use a different boat for each month of the year. The crew from the April run follows:

Cheri (Captain)TR

During this BoMM run, the whole crew was enlightened as to the meaning of a "Dirty Sanchez." Thanks to the miracle of video cameras, and the skill of our editor, everyone can enjoy the moment! Note that this video is not for the feint of heart. Download it here (5 MB).

The next BoMM run is scheduled for Sunday, May 22nd. By then the season should be in full swing!

March 1, 2005

This winter is really cruising along. It's hard to believe it's already March. We had two great boating trips in February. On the 5th, we had the official BoMM run aboard the vessel Cape Henlopen, which is one of the Ferries that runs from Cape May, NJ to Lewes, DE. There were 10 of us aboard: Myself, Cheri, Eric, Blair, Andrea, Julie, Mariah, George, Josh, and Denise. That was a pretty good turnout. Since not everyone was able to make the run, we had a secondary BoMM run on the 27th, aboard the John Arthur. This trip was actually to return the tug to Harbour North, since it was still sitting at Chesapeake Inn from our January BoMM run. On this trip we had 19 people: George III, George IV, George V, Linda, Mike Underwood, Myself, Cheri, Sean, Josh, Denise, Megan, Alicia, Nick, Rich, Jenn, Will, Mary, Andy, and Christy. That sure makes for a lot of people that made it through January and February! The rest of the months should be easy compared to those two. I think I'm going to need a bigger plaque for the 2005 BoMM Survivors... I'll try to get some pictures up soon.

Another fun thing we did on the 27th was watch the video that Eric put together from our January run. What an awesome production! If anyone wants a copy of the DVD, just send me an email and I'll have Eric get one out to you. It's worth watching! In the meantime, if you have a fast Internet connection, you can download either of these two low quality versions. Definitely not DVD quality, but at least you can watch the video. The first one is 35 megs, and will take a little while to download. The second one is 150 megs, and will probably take a long time to download, but the quality is much better than the small one. You may need to install the Xvid Codec to play these files. Let me know if you have any trouble.

You can just click on the links to play them, but I recommend right-clicking and choosing Save Target As to download the whole video. Then you can play it from your computer.

January BoMM Run Video (35 MB)

January BoMM Run Video (150 MB)

January 24, 2005

Wow! What an awesome BoMM run we had this past Friday, the 21st! A whopping 21 people took the chilly ride aboard the John Arthur from Harbour North Marina to the Chesapeake Inn. It wasn't too cold inside the boat, but outside was definitely cold. We crunched through some ice, but landed safely on the T-head of C dock. Thanks to Captain George and the entire crew!

Here are all the people that were aboard for this fantastic and memorable trip:

George (Captain)George (Engineer)
Mike Underwood (First Mate)Andy Upp (Dockmaster)
Eric Miller (Documentarian)Sean Keller
Mike ManginiAlison (Birthday Girl)
Karen LockwoodErika
Jenn Seningen 

This one is definitely going to be tough to top!

January 1, 2005

Happy New Year!

What a beautiful day January 1st was. With temperatures in the 60s, there was only one option - boating! Both Sean and Mike put their boats in the water, and I was lucky enough to catch a ride with each of them. Me, Cheri, Mike, Sean, and Rich went boating for about an hour, and then had some food at the Chesapeake Inn. We were officially the first boats of 2005.

If we make it to Friday, January 21st, without more than an inch or so of ice on the water, the plan is to do the January BoMM run that evening aboard the John Arthur. The plan is to meet at Harbour North at 6:30 PM, take a leisurely cruise to the Chesapeake Inn, and spend the evening listening to HOWSMYHAT. Let me know if you want to attend!

(2004 What's New Page)

All content on this page Copyright © TR Colasanto 2001-2011
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This page was last modified on 3/5/2009 7:25:04 PM.