Bad Influence Boating With TR! TR's Boat
Wednesday, March 26, 2025 

Fell's Point Festival

Ah, one of the most exciting annual boating adventures: The Fell's Point Festival. We had rain, wind, and rough seas on the ride down, but that didn't stop us! We arrived wet and exhausted and did the only thing our bodies would allow. We headed to a bar.

We're all ecstatic that Andy has found such a wonderful counterpart! We just wish Jill lived closer.
Critter wishes Jill lived closer too.
Here's Leigh Ann heading upstairs to join the party.
How come Mariah looks wide awake and Cheri looks half-asleep?
Lorraine and Leigh, our favorites sisters for the weekend.
Leigh Ann, Marty, and Critter getting some ballast to offset the late night drinking.
"Oh yeah, didn't I have a website I was going to update? Rings a bell..."
Dancing helps work off the ballast.
I don't even know what to say about this one, but I'm scared...
"I don't know if I like this boating and drinking stuff."
We know Marty does! When he's not golfing, that is.
Here's me and Leigh. This whole crew is so affectionate!
Here's Jill showing off the latest Fell's Point hair style.
Melissa looks like she's in her happy place.
Check out Nathan's evil smile as he breaks out the Josh doll.
Whoah, the Josh doll is a perv, just like the real Josh!
Man the Josh doll gets all the love.
The Josh doll just coming up for some air...
...and going back for more.
See, we weren't just in bars, we were outside too. In front of bars. With the Josh doll.
It's Rich's deep dark secret! Now we know where he is when we can't find the Kolbes all weekend.
Jenn's favorite, chicken on a stick! I've never seen someone smile so much while counting out the money she's about to hand over.
I'm not sure why this is the only picture of real Josh, and not the Josh doll, but there go the Graham's heading home!

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This page was last modified on 5/25/2007 3:30:18 PM.