Bad Influence Boating With TR! TR's Boat
Wednesday, March 26, 2025 

Mike's New Boat

Mike has been talking for a long time about finally putting the "Hap Hazzard" AKA "SS Girth" AKA "Shlong" to rest. The aluminum supports have cracked and corroded,  the rivets are falling beyond repair, and the amount of water that finds its way into the boat often outpaces the amount of water the bilge pump can discard. The biggest problem for Mike has been finding the perfect replacement. Until now.

Out of pure luck, Mike stumbled upon a 2006, 2.5 foot Tubberton complete with engine.
Thanks to the ingenious "bucket bilge pump" design, this boat can probably stay afloat longer than the "Girth!"
Fully equipped with a 250 horsepower Johnson Racing engine, Mike couldn't help but fall in love.
And with a boat this sweet, it's no surprise that soon other girls were falling in love with Mike.
After attaching a new set of trim tabs, and trying out the option hard top, Mike was ready to take his maiden voyage.
Here he is, in all his glory, cruising down the Canal. Don't pass up a chance to take a ride in this one-of-a-kind vessel!

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This page was last modified on 12/24/2005 7:23:12 PM.