After our ride up the Canal and through the Chesapeake Inn, we headed down to Port Herman to see the condos and their docks.

The pictures in the left column were taken about an hour after the high point of the flood. The pictures in the right column were taken over the next few days when the tide was back to normal. This gives you a point of reference to see how high the water was.

This was the first lift we saw on the way to Port Herman. I didn't do such a great job on the second picture, but you can sort of see how far out of the water the boat should be.

These are the private docks next to Port Herman.

Here are the same docks from the other side.

These are the docks at the condos. The sun interfered a bit with the second shot.

These houses are right next to the condos.

More shots of the boats on lifts in front of the condos.

Here are the condos themselves.

Note the missing beach in the first picture.

Here's Rich and Karin Kolbe's boat. Good thing it was tied down or it might have floated away!

Here's the view from the side of the docks.

Another lift picture.

Same house, but from a different angle.

The condos from a distance.

The tree looks like it's just growing out of the water in the first picture.

I didn't get a picture of this house during the flood, but check out the damage done to the docks in these pictures.

Head back to the main Isabel page to see what else I found!